Vegapay approached our team to overhaul their website and enhance the usability of their digital products, aiming to boost conversions.

Our collaboration spanned across a spectrum of products, including their website and several dashboards tailored for diverse banking operations such as credit card management, loan collection application for their field agents.

Our objective was to provide scalable design solutions that facilitated easy customization, empowering banks and non-banking financial institutions to access cutting-edge technology seamlessly.

Improving User Experience Through Simplified Interactions


How might we improve the general user experience to increase their reach?

Lead Experience Designer


Stakeholder Interviews

Design language system

Visual direction and UI design

Prototyping and Branding

Managing a team of 4 designers

Design QA

Capturing business goals, user needs and technical constraints

  • Conducted UX audit to identify and grade heuristic issues

  • Conducted virtual interviews with co-founders, product managers, and tech team for holistic perspective

  • Utilized affinity maps to extract common themes and resolve conflicting assumptions

  • Leveraged insights from themes to drive product and design decisions in brainstorming sessions

Collecting user pain points from staff and target users

  • Vegapay’s business heavily involves developing data heavy dashboards catering to various user tiers.

  • I wanted to gather the complaints and concerns expressed by the users when interacting with existing products.

  • These insights combined with the stakeholder interview themes helped me define focus areas for the new design.

  • Target users belonged to the Banking Official persona within the age range of 25-50.

  • Uncovered intriguing insights as outlined


How might we ensure consistency and simplify the flows across all their products?

Streamlined User Experience
Simplify navigation and interaction for intuitive usability.

Data Visualization Clarity
Optimize data presentation for quick comprehension of key metrics.

Responsive Design for Accessibility
Ensure seamless access and usability across users of 35-50 years age group




Themes and implications


Brainstorm solutions 

  • Created rough wireframes on paper for initial concept visualization.

  • Collaborated with stakeholders using FigJam to discuss and iterate on wireframes.

  • Incorporated feedback to refine wireframes and finalize screen designs for the project.

Test fast, fail fast, fix fast

  • 5+ web products and 1 mobile application

  • 20+ prototypes

  • 12 users across 3 states



Upon initiation, the primary focus was on the Client Management Dashboard, envisioned as an all-encompassing solution catering to Vegapay's diverse client base. Recognizing the need for customization, the dashboard was designed to accommodate various banking needs, ensuring adaptability and scalability.

Final Designs


Client Management System



The multifaceted nature of the product posed several challenges. Ensuring seamless user experiences while accommodating numerous functions was paramount. A significant consideration was the mental model of users, ensuring that the steps were intuitive and did not overwhelm with cognitive load.
Additionally, features such as bulk data uploading from sheets and real-time card preview required meticulous attention to detail. Compliance with banking regulations further added complexity to the design process.


We prioritized user-centric design, leveraging research and iterative processes to refine the dashboard's structure. We tested with users at different stages of the process to get feedback. Use of micr interactions was also key. Bucketing the right sections together and breaking down complex flows ensured usability. Collaboration with stakeholders ensured alignment with business goals and regulatory requirements, resulting in a seamless banking experience for users while meeting industry standards.


Transitioning from the Client Management Dashboard, the focus shifted to developing the Loan Collections System, a mobile app empowering Bank Field Agents to efficiently manage all loan collection tasks.

Loan Collection System



Designing a comprehensive mobile application with various functionalities posed significant challenges. Balancing usability while incorporating features such as expense recording, route optimization, and leave management required meticulous planning.


Adopting a user-centric approach, research was conducted to understand the needs and preferences of Field Agents. In addition, the app offered supplementary functionalities to enrich the agents' experience. These included recording and submitting expenses during trips, along with a digital process to track expense status. Additionally, it provided route optimization to ensure efficient collection drives. Other features encompassed leave management, account settings, and comprehensive insights into all collection visits.

  • Designed a scalable and versatile logo for seamless integration across digital and physical products.

  • Crafted a modern and minimalist logo, incorporating brand colors to maintain consistency.

  • Developed secondary assets for social media and communication purposes.

  • Established a detailed design system on Figma to ensure consistency and facilitate future expansion.


Consistent branding and design system

  • Utilized UI micro interactions and animations to enrich user experience.

  • Strategically employed to guide users and encourage exploration of product features.

  • Enhanced usability through intuitive feedback and engaging visual cues.


Efficient use of animations


Design is key in driving product decisions

Impact of Design Handoff on Product Quality
This project underscored the significance of refining the design handoff process for developers. Implementing a new design system and enhancing dev documentation reduced development time notably and fostered positive collaboration between teams.

Early Engineering Involvement

Involving engineering teams early in the design process mitigates rework by addressing technical limitations upfront, informing a more informed design strategy.






Importance of Effective Knowledge Transfer

Long-term projects inevitably witness team and personnel changes. To maintain efficiency amid tight timelines, my team scheduled regular meetings to organize project files, ensuring seamless knowledge transfer.

Strategic Planning for MVP Launch

Implementing a strategic MVP launch plan mitigates out-of-scope requests and ensures timely delivery of a high-quality product.

Continuous User Testing

User testing remains pivotal even after development, as design is an ongoing process of enhancing user experience. Prioritize collecting and incorporating user feedback to drive iterative improvements.


Positive results 
and more to do

  • Vegapay website was successfully launched in February 2024. ​

  • XX% reduction in drop rate within one month of launch​

  • XX% increase in lead conversions within one month of launch